Life & Living

I recently spent a month in Bali. It was my home for a while and friends told me I never stay so short a time. I wish... but for all of us there is the way we want things to be and then there is the way things are.

What we say about that has a lot to do with our reality. We are creator beings, made in the image of God, the one who spoke life as we know it into existence. Think of it. He spoke it and it was...

Many coaches and self development gurus point to the importance of our words. In essence it works this way - we grow up hearing reality. We believe it. 

They say someone born to a rich family can lose everything and quickly regain wealth & that you can give someone born into poverty great wealth, and within a short time they will lose it all.

Thoughts - words - actions - results.

All of us have limiting beliefs and the entire success industry is built around shifting them. So what works best? I guess it comes down to what works best for you. The last decade I have taken a deep dive into most of them, but nothing, no thing works better than the word of God.

His word stands the test of time. His word is a person (Yeshua). 

"In the beginning was the word... and the word became flesh and lived among us..." ~ John 1
A great mystery.

Back to the point of this post. Dr Caroline Leaf has had extraordinary success in the recovery of people with damaged brains, from terrible road accidents and the like. Parts of the brain that were no longer present were supposed to be the area and the only area that could have people perform certain tasks. 

Dr C declared otherwise and saw results no-one the world over thought possible. New neuropathways were inexplicably built and the rest his history. When we speak the word of God, the miraculous happens. And there's an app for it! :D
More about Dr Leaf here.



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