
Showing posts from November, 2019

The Healing Power of Forgiveness - Pamela Gregory

Apologies for the delay with this post. I had wanted to do a follow-up interview with Pamela, but it hasn't worked out just yet, so here you go :) Someone astute asked me this week, "Is her work for real?" It sounds beyond the scope of proven reality for some ears. The answer is yes, but then I know Pamela well after hours of conversation and was introduced to her by someone I trust who has survived cancer with her help, so for me it's much easier to accept I guess. That terminal cancer patients could turn things around through forgiveness, I get can sound pie in the sky. But if it was possible (and it is) wouldn't you want to know about it? And wouldn't you want to know about other possibilities for your life even if you're healthy? (Stay tuned, that's coming) Pamela spoke about a common occurrence of people saying to her, "I don't understand. I've done everything right. I eat healthily, I exercise..." I found myself laughing