
Showing posts from October, 2023

What We Really Want & Getting There

I’m back in Australia again after a short, rejuvenating trip to Bali. The year I lived there was one of the best years of my life. When I’m there I’m alive. The days are full of possibilities… I’m tingling as I read that back.   Australia is not a bad place but each of us has a space we are lit up by and others that are a little well, meh.    Meh as in indifferent or life-sapping.   I love Australia. I just don’t love being here right now.   So go back to Bali, I hear you say. Well yes…   It not always that easy, is it? Some of us, those friends who just jumped into your mind, or you perhaps. Some people seem to find things easy. They speak the words ‘Just do it’ with effortless aplomb. Money seems to fall into their laps, and they do life so well.   They work hard, I know they work hard. But all of us do, don’t we? Some of us just don’t always find the fruit of our labour coming back to us. Why is that?   I’m not complaining, I’m pointing out a common misconcepti

Life & Living

I recently spent a month in Bali. It was my home for a while and friends told me I never stay so short a time. I wish... but for all of us there is the way we want things to be and then there is the way things are. What we say about that has a lot to do with our reality. We are creator beings, made in the image of God, the one who spoke life as we know it into existence. Think of it. He spoke it and it was... Many coaches and self development gurus point to the importance of our words. In essence it works this way - we grow up hearing reality. We believe it.  They say someone born to a rich family can lose everything and quickly regain wealth & that you can give someone born into poverty great wealth, and within a short time they will lose it all. Thoughts - words - actions - results. All of us have limiting beliefs and the entire success industry is built around shifting them. So what works best? I guess it comes down to what works best for you. The last decade I have taken a deep