The Struggle for Freedom

I've been resisting this... writing about struggles... It doesn’t seem to come easily, at all.  It goes against the grain. Everything of the world shouts, just a little too loudly, about its own greatness and the lesser nature of others. 

The world is like an adult child playing out a schoolyard theme of fear, attacking anything different.

In my place of birth, Sydney Australia, ‘wogs’ were ridiculed for the content of their lunch boxes, strange accents and/or the colour of their skin. Strangely enough, tans were revered at the time but hypocrisy is easily overlooked by the incredulous, self-righteous or so it seems. :)

Being ‘right’ is the enemy of relationship. It gathers to itself those who will agree with it and shuns those who will not. It seems more a fear of being wrong. 

We can see this expressed at every level of human experience. One nation thinks themselves better than another. Russia, for example, seeks to 'liberate' Ukraine from the west. China seeks to take the seas to its south, with an eye towards land to its west. In their own minds they are justified. 

Nations behaving as schoolyard children... what a legacy. :D

Isn’t it always about feelings of self worth? Nations and children alike?

In pubs, shops, places of work, entertainment and governments bullies take the place of their predecessor, dominating to avoid being dominated. Babylon, Greece and Rome successively rose to power and empire, only to sink into the annuls of history - in the end fearful children in their thinking all. 

One man in history turned the tables upside down and we’ve never been the same since, time divided into before and after. Christmas became the most celebrated time of the year, leadership became more about service than lording it over others. 

Nations and people who have adopted this principle, have thrived the world over ever since.

In these years of the corona (crown) virus we’ve seen mobs lay their weight behind tyrants in the form of cancel-culture, shouting down those who might dare to think differently. Never mind if the facts don’t seem to support them. Steady has been the cry for ‘strength’ and ‘unity’ and ironically, to follow the 'science', an apparently changeable entity these days. 

So too labels... a democratic country's leader recently enacted the emergency act against a rebellious free-thinking tribe of hymn singing truckers. Some emergency, thinking for ourselves. (Trudeau means traitor in French).

Daring to write about my struggles then, in this broader context, I take a deep breath and dive into a mire where some may condemn… yet others, I hope might be emboldened to their own views, thinking for themselves, speaking their truth and fearing not the mob and its agreed upon terms of conditional acceptance. I gently tip my lid to Jordan Peterson in this regard. 

To be continued... <3



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