New Beginnings (not the new normal)

We're told, by those who would think for us, that we should get used to the 'new normal', but clarity of mind suggests otherwise. Looking at the facts is not easy in a day when the majority of the media is owned by a handful of companies, world wide. Facts are not so easy to come by.

Thinking for our selves is especially called for in dark days and it takes something to do it. It takes standing apart from the mob and the mob has its way of burying people. It's raised its ugly head more obviously recently. These are days of stark contrasts. In some ways it's easier to see the wood for the trees. 

Cancel culture is a vehicle upon which a myriad of insane 'truths' are wheeled out to the general assembly. There's no such thing as gender. Good is evil. Evil is good. Critical race theory, pretends to stand for racial equality and yet focuses on the colour of a man's skin rather than the quality of his character, not even remotely aligned with Martin Luther King's dream. 

If you're rankled at my using the word 'his' you might consider yourself well trained and I don't say that to get in anyone's face, but to make it as plain as the nose on your face. I could have toed the line and chosen she or any number of proposed 'correct' gender pronouns. Does being 'correct' bring us together or drive us apart? Divide and conquer has been a card played down through the ages.

We can thank God for those who dare to stand apart and speak the truth, "though the heavens fall." 

Some might say, "who's truth?" and I would suggest your own. Start there.

To think you know what's for best for someone else can be considered the height of arrogance. All men are created equal, and yet some think themselves more equal than others. This is not to say we should not have leaders. History shows clearly the kinds of leaders we can admire. In each case they were servants of the people. Despots, by contrast, wheeled out the same old lines, "Look there in the shadows, it's something to fear, we'll look after you. Give us your liberty and we'll take care of everything. Trust us."

Taking a look around the world, right now, we can see these two sorts of leaders standing out in obvious contrast. It's like night and day. Here in Australia the premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, recently sought to extend his power to lock people in their homes, indefinitely. Think about that for a moment. Here, in Australia. Indefinitely. In the United States, that great bastion of liberty, the fight is at its thickest. They are in the prayers of many around the world.

To put the issue at hand simply, each of us knows what's best for us individually. Good leaders know what's best for us collectively. To mess with that is to mess with freedom and its being messed with alright, worldwide. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great documents of freedom have come from such moments in history - the original constitution of the United States (after throwing out a despot English king), the Magna Carta likewise, on home soil. Let us pray that in our time, justice might also be done.

Fīat jūstitia ruat cælum - Let justice be done though the heavens fall.

It's one thing to look out at the world, another to begin with ourselves. We've been given a chance to reassess where we're going. What do you want to do with that? What is it you want for yourself and your children and their children's children? 

It's something worth thinking about.


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