What if the Feeling's Gone?

New beginnings are awesome. A new space, a new life, whatever that looks like... it's the juice of life! We need them. But what do you do when the gloss wears off and they're not like new any more?

I love old pairs of jeans. You can buy them like that, but they're even better when you wear them in. You treasure them, because of the process - You invested in them.

Slow days can be good days when you can see down the track. When you have a vision and purpose,  the mundane everyday's of life don't have to be dull. You can take a break for a moment & enjoy life a little.

"Without a vision, the people perish" wrote the wisest of men in history.
What is it you want? Where is it you're headed?

Life is good when you can answer these questions :)


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  2. These are very good questions, Simon, but not always easy to answer. What if you just decide to trust the process of flow of the Universe and let it be where that ends up taking you? Perhaps it isn’t where you expect it may be? Is that too vague or more the way creator intended?

  3. Well I think you have it in part. There is no point exhasuting yourself by swimming against the current and getting nowhere. You do need to trust in something greater than yourself, but you need not simply drift from place to place either. We have internal desires that are the key to directions we should take, like your marvelous art! Hoisting a sail and steering a course in that direction is a marvelous start :)


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