What's in a Name?

I guess I should talk about the White Feather thing…
“What’s that all about?” :)

A ways back, I got a little uncomfortable about my name. It was the surname itself and strangely I wasn’t exactly sure why. It wasn’t anything to do with my family or not wanting to be linked with them. I love my family.

If you have any knowledge of the legal system used for controlling the general population; specifically the ‘NAME game', you might understand my being uncomfortable a bit more, but it wasn’t that really. It was more about a deepening sense of who I am, than a desire to become distinct from governing legal protocols.

The distinction between legal and lawful will help if you want to understand more about that, but really I’ve found that an understanding of the scurrilous, is not at all as useful as the discipline of  focusing on what is good.

“…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things…”It’s great, practical and trustworthy advice! It’s really good for the head space! :)

On the other hand if you really do want to go down the ol' rabbit hole, I wrote about my experience in a former blog here. It has useful links as far as understanding all that stuff goes. Hope to see you back here sooner rather than later though! It's no place to dwell in the mind.
So the name thing…

While feeling the need for change, very early one morning I woke to hearing myself say out loud “Simon White Feather”. The words literally woke me up. “That’s weird” I thought, then “That’s not good. White feathers are associated with cowardice.”

Then I rolled over and went back to sleep.

Waking again at a much more reasonable hour, I'm googling the various meanings for white feathers. One of the various sites was from an American Indian tradition; its meaning “Hope, rebirth and new beginnings." Well that I could relate to! The meaning was so encompassing of what I've been through the last 20 plus years of my life; what I've learned and what I now feel I have to offer.

The following posts and my continuing work will be about facilitating these three important things for others - Hope, rebirth and new beginnings. May they be yours!


  1. Love this Simon and so true. We do have to be aware of what’s going on, while at the same time, not letting it affect who we really are... not always easy around that rabbit hole as you know. I think it is vital to find what you are passionate about and embrace that as well.. more and more ... thanks Simon

  2. Thanks Linda :)
    The balance yes isn't easy. We have life and death laid before us. Choosing life is much more fun :D


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